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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Find Your Sound

As I watch the 2011-2012 NCAA College Bowl Season I am inspired by Nelly's "The Champ", the soundtrack to this year's season.  This anthem will forever mark these events for these young athletes and forever be a reminder of their joys and triumphs.  I'm sure many of us upon hearing a song or a sound are reminded of events long past.  For instance, for me "Eternal Flame" is a reminder of my 6th grade Spring Dance in my school's gymnasium and Extreme's "More than Words" also reminds me of my Middle School Days.

Music and sound sparks a strong response from most people. It's why football teams travel with their marching bands and so much is put into the sound effects and scores for movies and television shows.  As marketers we have an opportunity to include a music bed behind most electronic media.  Put care into making these decisions.  Make sure the sound matches your message, evokes the desired emotion and compliments the products/services.  A great example of one brand doing this is Corona in the "Find Your Beach" series. The beach sounds transport the viewer to...the beach.

So think about your sound choices and don't wast a great opportunity to identify with your consumer and make an impact.

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